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Astro Update 10 8 19

Astro Update 10 8 19

This has been one helluva Pluto stationing from Sept.27 to tomorrow, Oct.9. Watching a friend skirt the maidens of death and choose life, noticing the transformative effect of travel and relationships with a few others, and observing the dissolution, in mid-air, of entrenched belief systems, I would say it’s been one intense 12 day period, to end tomorrow. Thank the heavens!

On other notes:

Mercury is entering its shadow for its next Retrograde (Rx) cycle on Friday, Oct.11. As it is moving through Scorpio, our recollections and meditations should take us deeply into our thoughts and feelings. Insights gleaned over the next 6 weeks (Mercury turns Rx on Oct.31 at 9:42AM/MDT) should give us something to chew on til the end of the year!

We are presently building to the Full Moon this Sunday, Oct.13 at 3:08PM/MDT. It brings insights as to where you might need to take your power back from people and situations and trust your own authority. You’ve got this!

”The wealth within you, your essence, is your kingdom.”


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