Starshine News Spring 2020
Starshine News
Vol 24, #2
Spring 2020
Dear friends,
This is part of The Great Turning, whether it’s the Earth turning on her axis, slowly toward a new pole star, or the turning of humanity to a higher consciousness and awareness of who we are and why we are here.
The disruptions make space for new ideas, new ways of being on the planet. As Rumi said, ‘cracks are where the Light gets in.’ It makes room for compassion, service, and a change in perspective. We don’t have to like it. We just have to make the best of it.
Some of us are seed-planters and may not get to see the ‘new dawn.’ It is obvious that life cannot go the way it has. Things are always changing and this is a big one in front of us.
Remember your humanity.
Remember your caring and compassion.
Remember your love of life.
Remember to listen to the Earth
as she speaks to you through human voices and your own intuition.
Be kind.
And pray for the world and her people.
Always Blessings, Jyoti
Spring Meditation
Take three calming breaths. From the love in your heart center, send out a beam of Light and surround the Earth in that Light. Taking a breath and releasing it with that love. Then breath in again, and send that beam of Light to all those suffering on the planet. Another breath, and send a beam of Light to all those who have recently died, that they may find their way. Give thanks for your life, and go about your day.
Astrological Services
Consultations are $120.
They include:
Natal, and Transit Reading.
Relationship Charts.
Astrocartography Maps.
Shamanic Journeys.
Spiritual Consulting.
Children’s Charts:
$60 under 14 yrs.
Sliding scale available
Spring 2020 Astrology Column
April begins with spiritual insights on the 3rd. We really look at our own empowerment on the 4th. On the 7th, The Full Moon at 8:35PM/MDT and can bring disruptions and erratic energies. There’s a push for healing and retrieving our power. On the 14th, with the Sun square Pluto, we have a glimpse of where we are giving our power away, individually and collectively. We look at our self-limitations on the 21st. The choice is always ours with what we do with what we see. The New Moon on the 22nd at 8:26PM/MDT brings a push for moving ahead with the traditional and the innovative. Brings healing in relationships also. Pluto turns Retrograde (Rx) on the 25th and we begin an annual 5 month journey of working on those inner levels, as we do every year. Expect the unexpected on the 26th and high intuition on the 30th.
May begins with the Full Moon on the 7th at 4:45AM/MDT. Step into your own power. See what you need to see for yourself. Take action where possible. The 9th brings insights, the 11th brings creative conversations, and Venus turns Retrograde (Rx) on the 13th at 3:45AM/MDT. We begin to look at our own inward journey and what’s really important to us. We look at our finances and what we stand for. An empowered day on the 15th, expansion on the 17th, and the New Moon on the 22nd at 11:39AM/MDT. This new cycle gives ease of communication, a push from behind, and a suggestion of reading some poetry as a means of offsetting the Mercury and Neptune aspects. We can assume more clarity of mind and logical reason.
June begins with Mercury entering its shadow on June 2nd and we begin the next Mercury cycle. The Lunar Full Moon Eclipse on the 5th at 1:12PM/MDT suggests a look at your spiritual beliefs. What is still true and what isn’t. Where do you get in your own way? Re-evaluation of your life path on the 11th. Mercury turns Retrograde (Rx) at 10:59PM/MDT on the 17th and for the next 3 weeks, we are drawn into a more self-reflective, meditative frame of mind. The Summer Solstice and the Solar New Moon Eclipse fall on the same day in some places, an occurrence that happens once in 50 years. The Summer Solstice is on June 20 at 3:44PM/MDT and asks us to bring things to closure over the next quarter. Let the old fall away. The New Moon Solar Eclipse on June 21st at 3:41AM/MDT is a new cycle of what nurtures you. Look deeply to see what you need to know at this point in time. Venus turns Direct on the 24th and we begin to bring some new information to our lives as we know it, gleaned from the past 6 weeks. Mars enters Aries on the 27th and we’re up for new adventures. A day of empowerment on the 29th and we end the month with healing insights on the 30th! Happy Summer!
Mercury’s Cycle
Mercury enters its shadow June 2
Mercury turns Rx June 17 10:59PM/MDT
Mercury turns Direct July 12 2:23AM/MDT
Mercury catches up and moves on July 26
Full Moon April 7 8:35PM/MDT
New Moon April 22 8:26PM/MDT
Full Moon May 7 4:45AM/MDT
New Moon May 22 11:39AM/MDT
Lunar Full Moon Eclipse 1:12PM/MDT
Summer Solstice June 20 3:44PM/MDT
New Moon Solar Eclipse June 21 3:41AM/MDT
Spring 2020 Book Reviews
Labyrinth by Catherine Coulter. FBI Thriller Series. I’ve read all her books in this series and loved this one. A real page turner. We follow Agents Savich and his wife, Sherlock, as she is careened into in D.C. As the car rolls over, sliding across the street, and hits a fire hydrant, a man is sliding across her windshield, wounded and bloody. Sherlock survives and has no memory of who she is or anyone around her. The wounded man runs for his life. The CIA becomes involved, stolen secrets, and psychic attacks that level the playing field. Loved this.
The Long Call by Ann Cleeves. For those who have enjoyed the author’s other series, Vera and Shetland, both BBC tv series picked up by Britbox, Acorn tv and Netflix, comes a new detective, Matthew Venn. He’s the leading detective whose husband runs the local community center for creativity and learning-disabled people. While struggling with his own past, from his strict evangelical childhood to his estrangement from his mother, he searches for a murderer after finding a body on the beach of the North Devon area where he lives. An engrossing read.
Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens A riveting book artfully written. I didn’t want it to end. Issues of abuse, neglect, abandonment, betrayal and prejudice are difficult to read yet delicately handled. They are offset by it being mostly a story of strength, resilience, resourcefulness and unexpected compassion. The author’s exquisite descriptive ability easily transported me to the North Carolina marsh country and culture of the 1950’s and 6o’s. Her background in zoology is instructive and brings the marsh and its creatures alive. Her character development left me hating to leave these people and the marsh. It’s the best book I read in 2019, an extraordinary first novel. I’ll probably read it again sometime with more of an eye toward the mechanics of how it’s written. (Guest Reviewer: Kate Guilford)
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone by Lori Gottlieb. The subtitle of the book is, A Therapist, Her Therapist, and Our Lives Revealed. In this honest and candid behind-the-scenes account of how psychotherapy works, the author shares with great vulnerability, and at times humor, her process with clients, as well as her own process, of personal growth and self understanding. She holds up a mirror for us to glimpse what gives meaning to our lives, after stripping away many of the false stories we tell ourselves of who we think we are. You will laugh, you will cry. It will open your heart in unexpected ways. I loved this book. (Guest Reviewer: Nancy Overton)
Returning to a Place Loved
arlene s bice
moving away for whatever reason
means returning to fill the void
to see family, friends or place
faces i’ve known so long
when loving a place
and memories it holds
customary spots stepped into
like traveling back in time
brings warmth
a flush of renewed love
once, twice, skip a few years
a lightening bolt hit me
this last trip revealed, stunned
i didn’t recognize anyone
familiar faces were gone
wee shops were no longer
new owners moved in
with different businesses
unrecognized, strange
what happened?
this place i loved so dearly
had disappeared
but not the memories i hold of it.
Notes from a Young Black Chef, A Memoir by Kwame Onwauachi & Joshua David Stein.
Sent to Nigeria as a teenager to learn respect, he returned, opened and closed, one of the most famous restaurants of the day in Washington DC . He was 27. Before that, he earned money to open his own catering company by selling candy on the New York subway. He is back on top today. A great inspiration. Loved it! (Guest Reviewer: Arlene S. Bice)
Hunting Power
You say you are hunting power,
but your power is hunting you.
I’ll go up to the mountain, you say.
I’ll fast and live on seaweed
I’ll hang myself on a meathook
under the hot sun. I’ll give up sex
and wine and my sense of humor.
What are you thinking of?
For you to go hunting your power
is as smart as the mouse hunting the cat.
Go out in the garden any night,
step one inch outside the tame land
and you are near what you seek.
Open the window of your soul
any night and your guide may come in.
The issue is whether you’ll run away
when you see what it is. To make sure
you succeed, tether yourself like a goat
at the edge of the tiger wood that breathes
right beside your bed. He’ll come.
Robert Moss
The Boys in the Boat by Daniel James Brown Joe Rantz, whose father left him behind at 12, to move with his new, younger wife to another town, fought despair and hunger to go on to the fame of the team defeating the Hitler-favored Germans in the 1938 Olympics. Drawn from his journals. Excellent read. Highly recommend. (Guest Reviewer: Arlene S. Bice)
“A sacred landscape is not simply a backdrop for action, but rather a place filled with names, associations and memories that link together everything present there. Humans become linked to the rocks, trees, animals, rivers, mountains and these bonds guide future human interaction with that place.” Christopher Tilley, A Phenomenology of Landscape: Places, Paths and Monuments
“We are evolving and in a transition time. Every change involves a death. The spiritual is eternal. In this time of great change and uncertainty it is important to infuse spirit into everything we do.
It is time for us to bring back the soul of the world by once again honoring this life-giving force. We need to honor the spirit that lives in all things, including the elements and the Earth itself. We must honor the spirit of everything we build in the physical world.
This includes living a life of honor and respect for all of life and nature; honoring the cycles of nature; living from a place of awe, wonder, and passion; and being a presence of love and light in our daily lives. “ Awakening to the Spirit World: The Shamanic Path of Direct Revelation by Sandra Ingerman and Hank Wesselman.
A Fatal Grace by Louise Penny. Book two in her series following Chief Inspector Gamache. A murder in the small Canadian town of Three Pines brings him and his team back to this small village. A woman, mother, wife, and author, is quietly despised. Her behavior is appallingly painful, for the residents and her family. Who had an agenda intense enough to end her harm. Love the author’s work. Sometimes I just laugh out loud!
There is a life-force within your soul, seek that life.
There is a gem in the mountain of your body, seek that mine.
O traveller, if you are in search of that,
don’t look outside,
look inside yourself and seek that. Rumi
Jyoti Wind
2635 Mapleton Ave.#9
Boulder, CO 80304