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Astro Update 6 01 20

Astro Update 6 1 20

On Tues, June 2, Mercury enters its shadow. This is the precursor to Mercury turning Retrograde (Rx) on June 17 at 10:59PM/MDT.

We enter Mercury’s cycle tomorrow as it moves back through Cancer. We’re rethinking some of our feelings, our security base, what it means to have family, to be part of a nuclear family and the larger global race of humanity.

What feeds and nourishes us? Where to we go overboard, and where do we deny ourselves.

Mercury will go back and forth over the degree of the U.S.’ Sun and our ideas of who we are as a nation will be up for re-assessment.

So tomorrow is the beginning of looking at these issues. We will return in a more meditative way once Mercury turns Rx.

There are 2 Eclipses this month.

The Lunar Full Moon Eclipse is later this week on June 5 at 1:12PM/MDT. The impetus is to look at where we get in our own way. What is still true in our spiritual beliefs and what’s changing and growing.

This year, the Summer Solstice and the Solar New Moon Eclipse occur within 9 hours of each. This is a ‘once in 50 year’ occurrence .This event is on June 20/21. More later.

Youtube video of the Update

“Remember, the entrance door to the sanctuary is inside you.”


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