New Myths
As the old myths fade away
and the American Dream
is in the trash alongside
trust and faith and
the pursuit of happiness
as this country defined it all,
I have to ask into myself,
what are the new myths.
Could it be racial equality,
as hands on deck
no matter the hue.
Could co-operation take the place
of competition
and the Horatio Algers be laid to rest
as community support
is the leading thought form.
Where would I see myself
in all this,
as my old patterns leave.
With the feeing of the hungry
as simple daily maintenance
and new ways of partnering
with organizations emerge,
to truly help and build neighborhoods,
and farms that provide
all we would need.
The old warriors and kings
would be relegated
to the time before,
and the heros who emerge
would have been aligned
with the lofty goals
(as we would have seen them
And new stars to align to
and new prophecies
of the golden age
get closer and closer.
I throw my hat in the ring
for the new world coming.
Jyoti Wind