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Astro Update 1 11 21 The Week Ahead

Today, Uranus begins its station until Jan.18th. Expect the unexpected…even each day. Opportunities and situations all seem to come out of nowhere. Do what you can to stay grounded. Sudden revelations.

Today, the mind expands, the larger vision is possible. Be willing to see the overview.

On the 12th, there is a New Moon in Capricorn at 11:22PM/MST. New cycle of creative solutions. Look for the deeper issues in daily life. Take care of the essentials, food, water, etc.

On the 13th, Mars squares Saturn and Venus trines Uranus. A push to lessen entrenched ideas or limiting beliefs, a catalyst to emerge into seeking more freedom.

The 14th brings Uranus turning Direct at 1:36AM/MST, and the Sun conjunct Pluto. A very intense day. Potential transformation, however it may take a lot to get from here to there. Potential violence. Again, expect the unexpected.

Note: We are moving toward an exact Mars conjunct Uranus next week, on the 20th , however we are only 4 deg. away right now. It’s a slow go. So even if it’s a day or two or three before the aspect is exact, it will be felt. And the aspect is explosive, volatile, and comes unexpectedly.

My job here is to educate, not to engender fear. So take this with a grain of salt, not knowing exactly how this will look, but being prepared for several scenarios is how I would suggest using this information.

A very common and familiar Rumi quote that I feel is relevant.

“Trust in God but tie your camel.”



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