Astro Update 12 11 21
Astro Update 12 11 21
Today at 9:29AM/MST, Venus was conjunct Pluto until the 14th. And then again Dec.25-27, and again Mar.3, 2022.
Venus will turn Retrograde (Rx) on Dec. 19 at 1:36AM/MST.
We are entering a Venus Rx cycle, like a Mercury Retrograde, Venus entered its shadow on Nov.17 and will catch up and move on in early March.
With her conjunction to Pluto today, notice any testiness, jealousy or possessiveness raising its head. Notice relationship issues, trust issues, letting go reluctances.
We will be dancing with Venus’ sense of direction and purpose, values, finances, and rationalities.
We ask ourselves: where is hanging on to old issues more important than moving beyond them; where is life beckoning to us to look at our goals and change some things; where are our activities not in line with our values.
This is a very deep time frame as we end this year. We are drawn inward to an extent, to re-sense where we are going and is it the right path for us.
Mercury will turn Rx just before the new year, so that we enter 2022 with both Mercury and Venus Rx together. An introspective entrance into a new year.
“The Earth would die If the sun stopped kissing her.” Hafiz