Astro Update 4 15 21
Tomorrow, Friday April 16th at 7:27AM/MDT, the Sun squares Pluto. A day of ‘power’ issues. How are you owning yours and calling the shots in your own life vs. giving your power away. Own it and share it.
By late evening, as Mars trines Jupiter, a sense of expansion and that anything is possible.
Saturday, April 17th at 3:19PM/MDT, Mercury squares Pluto. A day of insights and seeing beyond the everyday. You may see beneath what other people want you to see. The mind is more penetrating and able to see the underpinnings. Be open to see what life is showing you.

Sunday, April 18th at 7:50PM/MDT, the Sun is conjunct Mercury. A day of personal focus. You may be able to see yourself more clearly. Meditation, tools for looking within, are helpful. See what really matters to you.
“The soul is here for its own joy.”