Astro Update 5 10 21
Astro Update 5 10 21
Tomorrow, Tues. May 11 at 1PM/MDT we have a New Moon. A good deal of personal power is available to make things happen. A new cycle to set things in motion. It’s also a good time for study and learning.
On Wednesday, May 12, Mercury is trine Saturn at 12:34PM/MDT. A day for study and communication.
On Thurs. May 13 at 4:36PM/MDT, Jupiter enters Pisces until July 27. We get a taste of what is coming in 2022. Jupiter entered Aquarius in mid Dec. 2020, and we expanded our ‘people helping each other’ outlook.
Now as Jupiter enters Pisces, we expand our compassion, our desire see a larger view of where we are going and how to help each other get there. We expand our interest and trust in a multi-dimensional universe and we are bringing a large cycle to closure that began 11 ½ years ago. Our sense of community is changing as is our sense of service.
“Be patient where you sit in the dark. The dawn is coming.”