Astro Update 7 6 21
Astro Update 7 6 21
Today, Tuesday, July 6th, Venus opposes Saturn and asks us to look at trust. Do we trust life to bring us what we need. Can we look at our lives and see how far we have come?
On Wed. July 7th Venus is trine Chiron bringing healing for self, and extending healing to/for others.
On Thurs. July 8th Venus is square Uranus. Freedom! Want of space! Want to change it up, do it differently.
The New Moon in Cancer on Friday July 9th at 7:17PM/MDT brings challenges and flow. New options. Let go and be open to a new cycle.
“This turning toward what you deeply love saves you.”
You might enjoy the Youtube film Tashi and the Monk. I heard it was on Prime as well.
I am holding a free Shamanic Study Group this Sunday, July 11 and we will journey to the bees. If you are interested and do not have journey experience, please contact me. 10AM/MDT, free.
