Astro Update 8 9 21
Yesterday was the New Moon in Leo and what’s being called the Lion’s Gate.
The New Moon occurred at 7:50AM/MDT yesterday morning. A new cycle of potential resolutions to current issues. Look at what nurtures you, feeds you. How to bring more of that into your life.
Seek to see more clearly, even detachedly at time.
What is the larger picture here.
Healing potential abounds.
So the Lion’s Gate Portal is celebrated when Sirius enters the night sky again from it’s sojourn through the day skies.
When Sirius rises, Orion’s Belt aligns with the Pyramid of Giza and the Sphinx. This was an annual time of celebration for the ancient Egyptians and it meant the Nile Delta would flood and they would have an abundance of crops.
So it asks us to be in alignment with larger cycles, ancient cycles, larger windows of opportunity for our own expansion.
This week:
Today, Aug.9, Venus opposes Neptune : Ask for clarity.
Tues, Aug. 10, Mercury opposes Jupiter: Hone down possibilities. You don’t have to do or have it all. Use your discernment to see what’s really for you, and what you can step away from.
” When you let go of who you are, you become who you might be.