Astrology Classes and Study Group

Astrology Classes and Study Group
Astrology Class 201
Jan 9, 2023 Monday evenings
4 sessions, $100. 5PM/MST
Chiron, Nodes, Part of Fortune and Retrogrades
We will take the natal chart further, looking at the other points in the chart.
Basic Astrology knowledge helpful.
Astrology Study Group
1st Sunday of each month/Free
Open to all levels and interests of Astrology
Feb. Astrology Class Asteroids
Monday evenings at 5PM/MST
We will look at the 4 main Asteroids
Reference: Asteroid Goddesses by Demetra George
4 sessions $100.
For any of the above, please RSVP and I will send the Zoom link:
Fees are payable through Venmo: @Jyoti-Wind
And PayPal:
Join me to further your work with Astrology. Jyoti
Jyoti Wind has been a student of Astrology for over 50years. She’s been a practicing international Astrologer for most of those years.