Jyoti Wind Astrology
Writes of Passage
Jyoti has been writing since childhood, having discovered poetry during her teenage years.
She has self-published 7 books: 2 books of poetry and prose; a childhood memoir; and 4 anthologies, in which over 30 people have contributed.
Jyoti leads a weekly women's writing groups and loves receiving others' words. She offers workshops to inform others in a few vital principles in how to use a good working format for facilitating writing groups in their area.
Let the Sun Shine On Your Face
Let the sun shine on your face.
You who lead the quiet lives.
You who may not win
a Nobel Peace Prize
yet you negotiate troubled waters
in your families and neighborhoods.
You who may not be awarded
a great medal of honor
yet you honor all those
who cross your path
and are held in the hearts of many
for your caring of humankind.
Let the sun shine on your face
and gladden your heart
for you are the true givers
and work for the basic evolution
of everyone.
Let the sun shine on your face.
Jyoti Wind
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Click here to view books by Jyoti Wind