I Am Ready
I Am Ready I take the drum, this mighty hoop of dreams and power, this cauldron of depth that visits my heart when I sound it. I breathe...

Small Things
It’s the small things that speak so loudly. A colorful sunset, the reds of roses, the swift gurgle of water, the breeze of peony scent,...

May balance...
May balance be restored to the Kingdom.

I Am Here
I Am Here I’m just here in this moment, breathing. Outside of me, many thing occur. I engage when I choose. The sky is blue, or stormy...

My Beloved Bones
Beloved Bones from ancestors inherited from Earth cells delivered. My beloved bones. Upright, able to speak for myself, my voice, my own....

Sometimes the world is too much...
Sometimes the world is too much. I lean my back into the rough bark of a tall, sturdy pine, a creek gurgles close by, brother raven caws...

Summer I yearn for long than I can think of, for those warms days and cool nights, for ripe tomatoes and cucumbers, some frozen sweet...

My Profound Apologies
My profound apologies to all those teachers and my friends and my family and my life who came to help me see myself to show me the...

Dreaming the New Dream
Dreaming the New Dream The coloring has come outside the lines. Those hard line definitions are blurring, softening, making more room for...

Astro Update 7 11 20
Astro Update 7 11 20 In the wee hours of tomorrow morning, July 12 at 2:26AM/MDT, Mercury turns Direct. We begin to move forward. We...